Attendance at Meetings
Anne Clayton
PKAT Appointed
4 years
EYFS Governor
Volunteer for Witness Support for Crown
and Magistrates Courts in Peterborough
Son employed by Ark ICT Solutions
Manoj Subudhi
Curriculum Governor
Phonics Governor
Writing Governor
Employed by Tata Consultancy Services
Kathryn Bothwell
Staff Governor
13/01/2022 -12/01/2026
Employed as teaching member of staff
Parent Governor
SEN Governor
Marketing Governor
Employed by Peterborough City Council as a Children's Social Care Practitioner
Member of the school PTA
Joanne Fillmore
Vice Chair
Sports Premium Governor
Employed to work in the school
Tracey Cheung
Wellbeing and Staff Welfare Governor
Member of CIPD
Unlocking potential so as to transform lives and enable social mobility.
Creating schools where every person belongs, thrives and achieves personal success.
Inclusiveness, Kindness, Hard Work