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Our Mission, Vision and Values


Unlocking potential so as to transform lives and enable social mobility.

At the heart of our mission is the belief that every individual has untapped potential waiting to be unlocked. By fostering an environment that challenges and supports growth, we want to create pathways for social mobility. By providing the right tools, guidance, and opportunities, we enable each person to overcome barriers and reach their fullest potential.


Creating schools where every person belongs, thrives and achieves personal success.

We want our schools to not only places of learning but vibrant communities where every person feels they truly belong. Within this students, teachers, and support staff alike should feel they are developing and succeeding. This success should be an achievable reality for all, irrespective of background or circumstance. It may be quite different for each of us, but the key is the feeling of pride in doing well and enjoyment of the journey.

We are committed to building inclusive environments where the uniqueness of every individual is celebrated, and where collective growth is the norm.


Our values are the pillars that support our mission and vision, guiding our actions and decisions:

  • Inclusiveness: We believe in creating a culture where diversity is cherished and celebrated. Inclusiveness is not just about acceptance but about actively embracing different perspectives and experiences to enrich our community. Our proactive approach to providing for children with SEND is something we are very proud of as a Trust.

  • Kindness: This is the foundation of all our interactions. We encourage empathy, compassion, and understanding in every relationship, thus fostering a supportive and nurturing environment that enables everyone to flourish. Being kind doesn’t have to conflict with being firm. Our expectations on behaviour of children and young people mean staff and children can work in a safe and positive environment. These expectations are applied in a firm and fair manner, which helps children and young people to understand where boundaries in adulthood lie. Our expectations on staff are designed to be professional and fair, so that we work together for the greater good.

  • Hard Work: Hard work is our commitment to doing our very best, driving us to strive continuously for improvement and to overcome challenges with determination and resilience. This value is designed with educational progress in mind, but applies equally to our valued staff body, who work hard and with clear purpose. We gain pride in knowing that this work makes a difference to so many lives.