What is ilearn?
At PKAT we know that our pupils are always learning, both inside the classroom and at home, and that families play an essential part in supporting the educational journey.
iLearn provides every Year 5, Year 6, Year 10, Year 11 and sixth form student and their teachers with an iPad to give them access to enhanced online learning, no matter where they are. Students and teachers use the devices together in lessons to bring subjects to life and participate in shared learning. To further support iLearn we are constantly reviewing and developing our curriculum and pedagogy to make sure we are sharing the latest and best teaching methods with our staff.
Students will develop a firm foundation of digital skills that will support them beyond school and into their future careers. We also hope the device will have a positive benefit beyond the student so that the whole family can benefit from the technology and applications available.
Within this website there are resources and information to support students, parents and teachers. These range from teaching and learning resources, how-to guides, e-safety guidance, video materials and more. We encourage you to look at these areas to get a deeper understanding of iLearn and how it is being used to support our Trust goals and ambitions.

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